Monday, June 30, 2008

You just keep waiting on that vindication.

Just because you keep repeating a saying doesn't make it true.

Whose interests are we looking after in Iraq? The Iraqi's don't think its theirs.

Now playing: Sigur Rós - Gódan daginn
via FoxyTunes

To be honest, this is so hilarious that my friends have taken to giving each other Terrorist Fist Jabs and the slightest provication.

To be extra cool, you can call out for a "TFJ" if you want.

This is one of the most vile and disturbing things I've ever read
Now playing: Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook
via FoxyTunes

The truth about McCain and Bush's solution for high gas prices

Now playing: Sigur Rós - Gobbledigook
via FoxyTunes

Its like the Administration thinks that when it buries its head in the sand, the world actually disappears.

Now playing: Sigur Rós - Gódan daginn
via FoxyTunes